The planning section of Wicklow County Council have refused permission for the construction of 56 houses in Wicklow town.
The planning section of Wicklow County Council have refused permission for the construction of 56 houses in Wicklow town.
The planning application from Cedarbrick Retail Developments Ltd sought permission for 10 two-bed terraced houses, 18 three-bed semi detached houses and 24 four bed-houses consisting of six detached, 14 semi-detached and four semi-detached dormers at a 3.82 ha site at Mariner's Point, Greenhills Road, Ballyguile More, Wicklow town.
Permission was also sought for the provision of 110 car parking spaces, all pedestrian and vehicular access roads and footpaths to link to the northern phase one of the overall development, all associated site and infrastructural woks. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) was also submitted with the application.