Wicklow students engaged in or applying for Teagasc’s Walsh Scholarships Programme stand to benefit from a new increase up to €25,000
Wicklow students engaged in or applying for Teagasc’s Walsh Scholarships Programme stand to benefit from a new increase up to €25,000 in the annual stipend for Walsh scholars.
The Teagasc Walsh Scholarships Programme is a postgraduate programme for graduates to undertake postgraduate research in agriculture, food, environmental science, agri-food economics, rural development, horticulture and other related disciplines.After the Teagasc authority approved the increase to the stipend at a recent board meeting, all current and future Teagasc-funded Walsh Scholars from Wicklow will receive an annual stipend of €25,000, plus a contribution towards the cost of their university fees up to a maximum of €6,000.“An independent national review of State supports for PhD researchers last May recommended increasing the level to €25,000,” a Teagasc spokesperson noted.“Administrators of the Walsh Scholarships Programme in both Teagasc and the Universities/Technological Universities will commence the task of implementing the new rates, and it’s expected students will receive the increase in the March stipend. The stipends will be backdated to January 1.