15% of property sales in Wicklow were attributed to landlords leaving the market
The price of the average second-hand three-bed semi in Wicklow has increased to €364,000, up 0.6% from €362,000 in the last three months, according to a national survey by Real Estate Alliance.
Across the county, time taken to sell has fallen by one week to a total of six.
The survey shows that across the county, 78% of purchasers were first-time buyers, and 5% of purchasers were from outside of the county.
15% of sales in Wicklow were attributed to landlords leaving the market.
Simon Murphy of REA Murphy Baltinglass and Blessington says:
“Market activity has defied the expected settling in the market for 2024, and we are seeing some focused activity on what limited stock is becoming available
“Shortage of supply may be the explanation.
“North Wicklow is showing strong demand with limited supply.
“New housing development has brought additional buyers, who consider second-hand as an alternative, subject to price.”