The Health Minister Simon Harris says that efforts need to be redoubled to tackle misinformation about vaccinations.
There have been over 1,100 cases of measles and mumps since the start of the year.
Simon Harris says that society needs to remind itself of the devastating diseases which vaccines have helped eradicate.
He says he has sought advice on introducing a mandatory vaccination programme here for children in schools and crèches and has written to every TD and Senator seeking their help in what he says is the 'war against vaccination misinformation'.
The government is now seeking legal advice on bringing in mandatory vaccinations.
The new laws would make it a requirement for any child attending schools or creches to have been vaccinated.
The Dáil is considering ways to limit the spread of misinformation about them that has led to lower uptake for some injections.
Wicklow TD Simon Harris says he wants a debate on the issue before resorting to mandatory vaccination laws