An Bord Pleanála has granted permission for a new mountain bike facility in Ballinastoe, Co Wicklow.
An Bord Pleanála has granted permission for a new mountain bike facility in Ballinastoe, Co Wicklow, following a third-party appeal.
In November of 2023, Wicklow County Council granted Coillte with planning permission for a single storey national mountain bike trail head building consisting of a café, bike hire facility, new car park area and all associated site works.
The woodlands, in the ownership of Coillte, comprise mainly of evergreen forest, and forms part of a large conifer wood that extends westward and northwards. The lands in question have been used for mountain biking for a number of years, known as Ballinastoe Mountain Bike Trail. Mountain bike trails have been created within the forestry and extend to the west.Temporary planning permission was previously granted for a temporary bike hire and repair service facility and toilets. The applicant sought to permanently formalize this setup with a permanent building housing a small café, bike repair/hire shop, showers and toilets.