The number of properties available to rent across the country is now at an all-time low.
Rents have risen by 10% nationally over the last year, according to Daft-dot-ie.
The report shows the average rent across the country now stands at more than €1,500.
It's just over €2,000 in Dublin - up 4% in the last three months alone, and double the low point in 2011.
The average Wicklow rent is now €1,630 with only 30 properties available to view.
Just under 1,400 properties are available to rent nationwide - with around 700 live rental ads in Dublin.
There's also concern cuckoo funds are outbidding household buyers by as much as 32% for homes - according to figures from BNP Paribas.
The government says it's already brought in laws to stop institutional investors bulk-buying housing estates.