Parking restrictions will remain in place at a number of locations around Wicklow.
Playgrounds, outdoor gyms and public toilets will remain closed until further notice. All public car parks are re-opening for people living within a 5 kiloemter radius. However The Bray to Greystones Cliff Walk as well as the Beach Cliff Walk to Wicklow Head remains closed. A full list is set out on the Council’s website.
The Council says despite a relaxation of some rules, people need to adhere to the HSE advice and stay within 5 kilometres of their home and keep a 2 meter distance when outside.
Forest parks in Wicklow and around the country will be back open to the public today, under phase 1 of the Government's plans to reopen society.
Coillte says its car parks will be free of charge to all those who live within 5 kilometres radius.