The figure includes fees for drivers paying to park on streets - and fines for illegal parking.
Local authorities in the capital took in more for parking than the rest of the country put together.
The four Dublin councils earned 35.9 million euro combined
The national total was just 70 million, according to figures in today's Sunday Independent.
In the commuter belt, Kildare County Council collected 2.1 million, Wicklow charged 1.3 million, and Meath 1.7 million.
Cork City took in close to three million -- but its income was down about ten per cent.
Galway City was close behind at 2.7 million euro, while drivers in Limerick and Waterford each paid around 2.1 million.
Co Kerry motorists paid the most outside the main cities, at 2.6 million.
While Leitrim County Council took in the least, at just a 104-thousand euro.