Gardaí in Greystones are investigating after a “dog attack took place in the harbour area
Gardaí in Greystones are investigating after a “dog attack took place in the harbour area on Saturday, January 20 and is believed to have involved an American bully dog. The shocking incident, during which it is believed at least two dogs were attacked, has prompted one local councillor to call not just for better legislation, but also better facilities for dogs.
Commenting on the incident, the Cathaoirleach of Greystones Municipal District, Councillor Stephen Stokes, said that at times it feels like Greystones is “the dog capital of Ireland” and while there are good facilities in the area, including a dedicated dog park, more amenities are needed while sufficient legislation in the county needs to be put in place.
“It is a concern to hear of a dog attack,” Cllr Stokes said. “There are requirements for some dog breeds that rules are to be followed, such as muzzling. This is of course an emotional area for everyone involved, and it has also been quite topical in the United Kingdom too“I would like to see the Government legislate further. It’s important to acknowledge that the majority of dogs are good-natured and are like another family member to their owners. But we need to ensure that sufficient legislation is in place in this area,” he said.
“Walking around the Greystones District, it feels like the dog capital of Ireland. I submitted the first ever motion calling for a dog park for Greystones in 2012. In fact, I even opened the Charlesland Dog Park on bank holidays. Dog parks are a tremendous resource to allow dogs off-lead and to socialise in an enclosed area. I passionately believe that we need to look at how we can roll out dog parks to every town and village in Ireland. We are a country of dog lovers, and providing these parks would be a positive step forward,” he concluded.In November last year, new legislation was introduced by Heather Humphreys, the Minister for Rural and Community Development, when she signed regulations doubling all existing fines under the Control of Dogs Act. Owners of dangerous dogs will receive on-the-spot fines of €300 if their pets are not muzzled, under the new laws, while dog wardens will also be able to issue €300 fines to pet owners for failing to keep their animals under control.
Ms Humphreys also established a stakeholders’ group to examine whether more dogs should be added to the restricted breeds list. The list currently includes American pit bull terriers, rottweilers, Staffordshire bull terriers and doberman pinschers. The minister is expected to decide whether XL American bully dogs, which are now under tight restrictions in England, should be added to the restricted dogs list in Ireland.
Gardaí said enquiries into the incident on Saturday, January 20 in Greystones are ongoing.